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nlc: egy kis irodalom

2007.07.31. 11:12 - ElPadre

Címkék: élet irodalom vallomás

a tegnapi este dával egyik kulcsmondata: ha már napok óta ténferegsz a sivatagban, már csak kúszni tudsz a szomjúságtól, akkor egy pocsolya is mohai ágnes ásványvíznek tűnhet a számodra.

néha kijönnek ilyenek is belőlem.

meg ilyenek is...

well i'm...
trapped in this existence, the smells of rotten fish of garbage dumps and armpits full of sweat negating the positivity that is obvious whenever a new jesus rises above the event horizon

trapped in this existence, scent of orchids masking decay in decaf capuccino lounges speaking of boredom everyday existentiality possibly negating the swarm of thoughts required for survival

trapped in this existence, i bulldoze my sandcastle with poofs of pot and nicotine stamps and patching up all the windows in a barricade so they, they won't break through anymore

trapped in this existence, i get my kicks from sex with unsuspecting girls inhaling the entry key to otherworldly delights for the first time and i come as a saviour of addicted classy carnal fun i come as the voice of the inhuman reason i come as the promised but then taken away messiah i come the second time the third time you scream because you are not used to this... neither am i

trapped in this existence, sometimes i just feel the need to smash in the next guy's face to do something so horrible it would guarantee bad karma for the next millenium and honestly i just want to break things i want to hear the shattering of glass the cracking of skulls and the spraypaint blood smearing my best man's dress then i think again of the souls of people of things and the loss and the unnecessary turmoil and i just stop and lay limping and helpless because after all i'm just a meek coward drowning my tears in the best faux-smile grin possible

trapped in this existence, incessant and incandescent beauty removing any and all need to probe deeper than the skin which twangs with eloquence when old times and habits come calling with nostalgia sweeps

trapped in this existence, we're in a void of expression like labels on merchandise no one wants, of things no one understands anymore, the callsigns of ideas nobody comprehends and nobody wants to, i speak to you you speak to me and we're all just lost in a noise that had long time ago had any and all information washed out to a bleak, rejected silence only to be interrupted by staccato beats that amount to... nothing, really

i'm trapped in this existence and i feel so fucking righteous and so fucking enlightened in this perpetual state of equilibrial perplexity i could reincarnate from nirvana nailing the eye of the beholder to a T

i'm trapped in this existence and i'm too pretentious and too weak to ever want out so i surround myself with stale familiarity and hope for the best that never comes around

we're all trapped in this existence and we don't have much of a choice

meg ilyen is... no aztán ezután most abbahagyom a jókedv-kommandót egy időre.

Dobban a burkon át
Szűrődő hang, de gyenge
Zajba hull az érzés
Elhagyatva, elfeledve
Elhagyatva, eltemetve
Szívem minek is verne
Csak fáradt ideg, mi hajtja
Pár pattogó parázsszín szikra

Tudod, most már
Jobb lesz mennem, meg kell tennem
Mert így csak, kedves
Hamvadsz, jajgatsz, elégsz bennem
S bár kérdezz csak most:
Vágyom rá, és akarom, hogy ölelj
Halkan, szürkén
Elhal szúette mellemben a szívzörej

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